Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Happies 3/25/11


Given how Monday’s snowy picture made me grumpy, it’s a cinch to figure out why THIS picture makes me happy.

Crocuses blooming = spring on the way!

Oh, I was SO happy to see them starting to come out. It always seems like the first sign of spring. Brave little crocuses, poking their little heads out when the snow is barely melted.

We should all be like the crocuses! Go for all the life we can get!

Okay, enough philosophizing. Just wanted to share the joy.


Anonymous said...

My mother's yard has snowdrops scattered everywhere, and crocuses spotted around, too. So pretty!

Elizabeth Delisi said...

They are, aren't they? Just so nice to see flowers, after the rough winter we had.