Monday, November 21, 2005

Flu Season Is Here...And What About Bird Flu?

So, it seems flu season is upon us. I haven't been able to get a flu shot--yet--so I'm washing my hands a lot and knocking on wood that I don't get sick. There was supposed to be plenty of flu vaccine this year after last year's supply debacle, but there's a monkeywrench in the works somewhere.

My daughters and grandchildren have had a stomach virus of some type, but I don't think the flu comes with intestinal symptoms. Still, that's no comfort when you're sick. They were pretty miserable, and I hope that particular virus stays away from my door!

There's a lot of talk and concern about the bird flu and the possibility of a pandemic. The way I understand it, the bird flu as it exists now isn't much of a danger, as you have to be in contact with a live bird that has the disease before you can get it. The problem is, viruses mutate frequently, and if this particular flu viruses mutates so it can be passed from person to person instead of bird to person, THAT'S when we'd get that pandemic.

The Hungarians have developed a vaccine for the current form of bird flu. They say they've tested it and it works. But the question is, if the virus mutates, would it mutate enough so a vaccine for the current form wouldn't work against the new one? If so, I assume we'd have to wait to develop a new vaccine until the mutated flu actually struck, which could mean many people would die in the meantime.

What are your thoughts on the possibility of a pandemic version of bird flu? Are you worried? Are you changing your habits because of it? Have you gotten your flu shot this year when you never did before, just in case it helps? I'd love to get your take on it.


merlinsmuse said...

What are your thoughts on the possibility of a pandemic version of bird flu? Are you worried? Are you changing your habits because of it? Have you gotten your flu shot this year when you never did before, just in case it helps? I'd love to get your take on it.

***Oh, you are hitting on a couple of my favourite pet peeves. I'll try not to rant, but here's my take on the above questions.

No, I'm not worried. I think the media exaggerates everything in order to give the news entertainment value. People don't want to hear the truth, they want to be least, that's what the media seems to think.

I won't be getting a flu shot either. I never have and never will. Do you have any idea what's in those things? Yuck! If given the right combination of diet and exercise, the human body has the ability to heal itself but we keep pumping it full of chemicals, which impedes the natural process. Unfortunately, the air we breath, food we eat, and water we drink don't allow our bodies to perform at an optimum rate, so we have to resort to such things as the flu shot. Again...YUCK!

Sorry, I said I wouldn't rant, and I did. But it's what I think and you did ask. :-)

Have a great day,

Elizabeth Delisi said...

Thanks for your thoughts, Cathy. And no, I don't think it was a rant! You're entitled to your opinions, as is everyone. I agree with you a hundred percent we'd be healthier if the air, water and food supply were cleaner, and also we'd be healthier if we exercised and ate right.

I guess the flu shot is mainly meant for those who, through age (youth or elderly), illness or immune system problems, cannot fight off the flu. Personally, I think of a flu shot as an extra bit of safety, like taking a multivitamin every day and washing my hands frequently. But no, I don't know what's in the shots, except that it's something to do with chicken eggs. I probably don't WANT to know. ;-)

merlinsmuse said...

I'm a Canadian, so our thanksgiving has already passed, but I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving, Liz. Enjoy your day.


Elizabeth Delisi said...

Thanks, Cathy, and a happy belated Thanksgiving day to you too! I've heard the merchants wish Thanksgiving weren't so close to Christmas here, so maybe you all have the right idea. ;-)