Friday, October 16, 2015

Two of My Courses Available For Registration at WDU

I'll be teaching two courses starting soon for Writer's Digest University. Here's the info:

WRITING THE ROMANCE NOVEL: Do you yearn to write a romantic story? If so, you need to know what sets romance writing apart from other types of fiction.

This course explores why romance is the same, yet different. Some essential components of romance are unique to the genre, while some romance requirements are identical to those of any good fiction story. Neither Stephen King nor Tom Clancy could sit down and write a romance unless he first familiarized himself with the specific factors that create a successful romance.

This workshop will help you to understand those specific factors that make up the specialized world of romantic fiction.

The instructor for the 10/29/2015 starting workshop is Elizabeth Delisi.

Go here to sign up:

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CREATIVITY & EXPRESSION: Are you a beginner writer? Do you want to put pen to paper but have a case of writer’s block? Learn creative writing techniques to launch your writing and transform your ideas into your next story.

When you take this online workshop, you’ll explore creative writing topics and learn how descriptive writing can breathe life into your characters, setting, and plot with Rebecca McClanahan’s Word Painting. Stretch your imagination, develop your creative writing skills, and express your creativity
 with this writing workshop.

The instructor for the 10/22/2015 workshop is Elizabeth Delisi.

Go here to sign up:

Hope to see you there!

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