Sunday, September 11, 2005

We've Arrived In The Land Of Sunshine

This move has been difficult for us in several ways. First, my husband was not only leaving a job, but also leaving a career in music and starting a career in the finance industry. Second, we were leaving a house, town and location we liked, for the unknown. And third, though not third in importance, we were leaving behind our children and grandchildren.

But there are advantages, too. I've always loved New England--I was born in Massachusetts. So I'm happy to get back here, and just in time for our first New England fall in many years. Also, my mother and sister live nearby, and my dad not too much farther, so I know I'll see them more often.

The housing market here in New Hampshire is crazy...we've ended up with half the house, with about a sixth of the land, for twice the price of what we had in Kansas. But it's a lovely house, built in 1900 so I know it must have an interesting history, and recently remodeled with loving care. It's nice to move into a place that doesn't need immediate renovation, as would everything else we looked at.

I think we knew the move was looking promising when we ate out at a Chinese restaurant a week or so before we moved. My husband's fortune said, "You are traveling to a land of sunshine." So here we are in New Hampshire, a land of sunshine...and happy to be here!


Penelope Marzec said...

Congratulations! I wish you much luck in your new home. I've always wanted to live in an old house.

Joy-PE said...

Hey, I like what I read here. I will be back for sure!
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check it out if you get time :-)

Elizabeth Delisi said...

Thanks, Penelope. I love the house...though it does have some old-age problems like sloping floors and a crawlspace rather than a full basement. But it's a small price to pay!

EBG, I'm glad you enjoyed my blog. Good luck with your marketing e-book site.